How to add Talkado to Trust Wallet
Like any coin, you will need the Talkado contract address when adding it to Trust wallet. Talkado Contract address can be found in our whitepaper.
Below is the Talkado contract address.
Following the steps listed below, you will be able to add the TALK to your Trust wallet;
Step 1: Downloading Trust Wallet
To use Trust Wallet, you will have to download it using the link below on Play Store.
On Apple Store
After downloading Trust Wallet, you must install it on your Phone / Device. In most cases, this is automatically done for you by Google Play Store.
Trust Wallet is downloadable on other Market Place also.
Step 2: Open Trust Wallet
Now that you have successfully install Trust Wallet on your device you can go ahead to click/open it.
Once it is open, touch the Filters Icon as highlighted in Red below.
Step 3: Adding Custom Token.
You will see the Search Tokens Column and a list of available coins on your Trust Wallet. You have to scroll down until you will see Add Custom Token as Seen below.
Step 4: Switching Network
In the screenshot below you can see the network is Ethereum but what we need is Binance Smart Chain — BSC. To change to Binance Smart Chain — BSC you need to touch the More arrow Icon.
Step 5: Binance Smart Chain — BSC
Now you can see the list of networks, all you must do is to select Smart Chain.
Step 6: Adding Talkado Coin
If you Select Smart Chain successfully you should have a screen like this below.
Step 7: Talk Details
You will need to use the following information to complete step 5 next step.
contract address: 0x7606267A4bfff2c5010c92924348C3e4221955f2
Name: Talkado
Symbol: Talk
Decimals: 9
Step 8: Done
Click On Done to finish.
Finished Talk Coin successfully added.
Now that you have successfully added talk coin you can now connect to PancakeSwap and buy Talkado coin.
Connect with the project
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Telegram Channel:
Talkado on Github: